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Get Involved

If you, or you know someone, who would be a perfect guest on our podcast, we'd love to hear from you.

We are also looking for financial backing from corporate sponsors who share our vision and passion to change the way the world views people with disabilities. There are numerous product placement and branding opportunities available, the details of which we would be happy to agree on moving forward.



Please contact us to discuss the various sponsorship packages available to you and your organization.


There are multiple branding opportunities for your organization.  Please contact us to discuss how your brand can be displayed on our podcast and various digital media channels.

Reach the Top

Product Placement

Your product can be visually displayed, used and mentioned during one of our inspirational podcasts, providing fantastic association with your brand. Contact us to find out more.

Podcast Guest

If you, or someone you know has overcome adversity and is epitomised by our "no such word as can't" ethos, please contact us so we can share their story and inspire others who face similar adversity, to triumph

Scaling the Rocks
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